As most of us know, the use of telemedicine has been crucial for the delivery of health care in this time of social distancing. As a care provider in one of the hot spots during the COVID-19 pandemic I’d like to share with you some of the great benefits of telemedicine.
Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technology to provide clinical health care from a distance. This can be valuable when you are not able to leave the house or just have some questions that do not require an in-person visit. There are 2 types of telemedicine : synchronous and asynchronous.
Synchronous Telemedicine
Synchronous is a live video conference where there is a two-way audiovisual connection with the patient and the care provider. This is beneficial in that there is real-time telehealth and timely care for emergencies or urgent times. This also allows the relationship of the doctor and patient to be maintained in a face to face conversation.
Asynchronous Telemedicine
Asynchronous is when there is a transmission of the patient’s medical forms, history, and data to the care provider. Although this requires more time because of multiple interactions between the patient and care provider, this form allows for faster service when there is no need for in person interaction. Allowing for a more efficient process as well as accurate timely care.
During these times of social distancing, it can make a huge difference for you and the health of others by calling your health provider about your concerns and what you may be able to do while in your home. Innovation in information technologies have paved the way we now provide certain medical services that make it possible to overcome distance barriers. This has massively improved the access to medical services that weren’t as easily accessible before.
If you have any questions about Telemedicine please feel free to contact us today. We want to work with you to give the best possible care. To learn more contact us here.