At Acute Pain Therapies, We Successfully Treat Acute Head Pain
Most people will experience the pain of a headache in their lifetime. Some headaches are mild, and, with the use of aspirin or Ibuprofen, the pain subsides within a couple of hours. Some headaches, however, are more severe. Did you know that almost 5 million people in the U.S. experience at least one migraine attack per month, while more than 11 million people blame migraines for causing moderate to severe debility? Migraines occur most often in women – 18% vs. 6% of men*.
Those are staggering numbers and frequently patients suffering acute head pain ask this simple question: What exactly is a migraine?
Migraine Headaches
Initially, it was thought that the blood vessels on the surface of your brain dilate, and with each heartbeat, the blood surging through throws the dilated blood vessel wall up against your skull, resulting in that throbbing, pounding pain you are so familiar with. … Migraine mostly happens within your brain.
Migraine is the third most common disease in the world (behind dental caries [tooth decay] and tension-type headache) with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7% (that’s around 1 in 7 people). Migraine is more prevalent than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined. Chronic migraine affects approximately 2% of the world population.
For some individuals, medication is not the answer – for example, it is unsuitable for pregnant or lactating women, and for some people it just flat out doesn’t work or doesn’t combine well with other medications. At Acute Pain Therapies we specialize in diagnostic injections of numbing medicine that may relieve patients’ acute head pain. Each patient is different and during the evaluation process, we will assess and implement the most effective plan. Pain that feels like it’s inside the head or behind the eyes can be caused by nerves outside the head located in very superficial, accessible places such as the face, head, or neck. Test nerves blocks on these “extra cranial,” or outside the skull, nerves can be useful in determining if one of those nerves is irritated and contributing to the headaches.
Treatment is provided for both men and women (of all ages) and is safe for pregnant and lactating women. A typical treatment entails a short series of injections as described above. Diagnostic testing via a neurologist may need to be done prior to procedure(s). Our providers work in conjunction with neurologists who focus more on medication management while we focus on these tests. The good news is, these tests are easy to do, do not require a lot of preparatory work, and can be used along with other headache treatments.
Best results are produced by injecting at the time of headache; we can schedule on short notice. We want you feeling better SOONER rather than later.
Schedule an Appointment for Pain Treatment
If you suffer from acute head pain consider us on your quest to alleviate your pain. We’ll set up a consultation (covered by most insurances) and will recommend a plan that will work best for you. Contact our office today to schedule your first appointment.